Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Fine Blend

As designers joining together to imagine a perfect Sherlock world, the production class did very well. The theatrical touches of the smoke in the warehouse, the ever-present skyline of London, the red wallpaper in the Larrabee's and the Science props in Sherlock's flat were all a result of lots of thought and planning. The process of taking something from the page and putting it on the stage was fully realized with this class. Each and every student contributed to the overall look, sound and feel of this production. As the set design teacher, I am extremely proud of the hard-working students who kept their heads down and kept working. It didn't just get done- it got done well. Well done!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rehearsal Photos

The opening scene

In Sherlock's flat

Sherlock with Moriarty


the makeup room

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lights, Set Painting and Costumes

As the opening night approaches, the various technical elements are falling into place. The set is almost entirely done, the costumes are more or less unified, the lights have been hung and focused, the music is chosen and the sound technician is in the building. Everyone knows their lines and seems to have a good handle on their character. Sunday afternoon, we will run the show with all the technical elements in place. Let the magic begin. All the hard work, all the planning, all the memory work, painting and designs are coming together. The Steampunk details add so much to Moriarty's Lair and the consistent colour palette is pleasing to the eye. We are poised to go with all hands on deck. The game is afoot!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Raffle prizes abound at Dewe's this Sunday

One of the fund-raising activities for the show is a raffle. The prizes are very exciting.....
A Sherlock theme basket, a date basket that includes movie tickets, lunch and a hair cut, and another manicure/ spa package. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. Available at Dewe's this Sunday or at CSS. Please help us raise a few funds to cover expenses.